Allow Your Loved Ones To Act On Your Behalf In Virginia

Life is full of surprises, and you never know what might happen to you or your family. It is always wise to be prepared for the unexpected well in advance. A power of attorney is one tool that can help your family maintain stability and make important decisions in the event that you cannot. It allows you to grant someone the ability to act on your behalf.

Having an estate planning expert on your side when creating a power of attorney can ensure that your document is strong, valid, and foolproof. The language in a power of attorney document must be precise and reflect your exact wishes. Serving clients throughout Loudoun County, the Leesburg estate planning attorney at Legacy Law Centers can ensure that your power of attorney meets your needs and outlines your exact wishes.

Draft a power of attorney in Leesburg today – call us at (571) 260-0827 to schedule a free consultation.

What Are The Different Types Of Powers Of Attorney?

A power of attorney is a fairly flexible tool in that you can use it to grant someone power for only one kind of situation or for many situations more generally.

There are several different types, including:

  • General power of attorney: Gives someone broad powers to act on your behalf, such as signing contracts, settling claims, handling your mail, managing your assets, and estate planning
  • A Durable power of attorney: A general power of attorney with a provision that keeps the original power in effect in the event that you become mentally incapacitated
  • Healthcare power of attorney: Allows someone to make decisions about your health and medical care if you cannot
  • Business power of attorney: Grants someone the authority to take care of part or all of your business
  • Real estate power of attorney: Gives someone the ability to make real estate deals on your behalf
  • Funding power of attorney: Allows someone to sign your name to transfer assets into your trust

Contact Us Today

Our Leesburg estate planning lawyer can review your options with you and listen closely to your story to help you determine which power of attorney will best meet your needs and achieve your goals. There is a lot to consider when creating a power of attorney – we strive to simplify the process and prepare you for whatever is to come.

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(571) 260-0827

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