• By: Legacy Law Centers
  • Published: August 11, 2019
A woman holding a house model on a table, symbolizing Estate Plan - Legacy Law Centers

If you think you only need to create discretionary lifetime trusts for young, troubled, or financially inexperienced beneficiaries, then think again. In this day and age of frivolous lawsuits and high divorce rates, discretionary lifetime trusts should be considered for all of your beneficiaries, minors and adults alike.

What Is a Discretionary Lifetime Trust?

A discretionary lifetime trust is a type of irrevocable trust that you can fund while you are alive – in which case you will gift your assets into the trust for the benefit of your beneficiaries – or after you die – in which case your assets will be transferred into the trust for the benefit of your beneficiaries after death.

The trust is discretionary because you dictate the limited circumstances when the trustee can distribute assets for the use and benefit of the beneficiaries. For example, you can permit the trustee to use trust funds to pay for education expenses, health care costs, a wedding, buying a home, or starting a business. If the trust is funded with sufficient assets that are invested prudently, and you choose the right trustee to carry out your wishes, the trust funds could last for the beneficiary’s entire lifetime.

How Does a Discretionary Lifetime Trust Protect an Inheritance?

With a discretionary lifetime trust, each of your beneficiaries will have a fighting chance against lawsuits and divorcing spouses because their inheritance will be segregated inside of their trust, away from their own personal assets, and out of their control.

Creating this type of protective “box” around the inherited property shows the world that the inheritance is not the beneficiary’s property to do with as they please. Instead, only the trustee can reach inside the box and, based on your specific instructions, pull funds out for the benefit of the beneficiary. Creditors, predators, and divorcing spouses are generally blocked from reaching inside the box and taking property out.

When the beneficiary dies, what is left inside their box will pass to the heirs you choose. You could decide, for example, to have the assets pass to your grandchildren inside their own separate boxes and on down the line, thereby creating a cascading series of discretionary lifetime trusts that will protect the inherited property and keep it in your family for decades to come.

What Should You Do?

Does all of this sound too good to be true? It’s not, which is why you should get in touch with our law firm if you have more questions about estate planning for adult beneficiaries. Our lawyers are available to discuss how you can incorporate discretionary lifetime trusts into your estate plan and what our legal team can do to ensure your interests are fully protected.

Give us a call today at (571) 260-0827 to set up your complimentary case review.

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